The greatest output of CO2 is the leftist whackos incessive bullshit - Save the planet - Tell a leftist to shut his f*cking mouth!
Is it the end of the hoax? Is it the victory of facts and reality?
To the utopists such concerns as the truth and mere facts is rather a nuissance.
In the meantime the south pole has increased twice the size of France the last couple of decades, hot air or just a cyclus?
Surprise that the utterly corrupted, incompetent and worthless United Nations show data that contradicts the environmental religious worship for the whackos, the intellectual bankrupt leftists and the rest of the utopists believing 'ignorance is strength' - The global warming as sane and intelligent folks have known all along is hogwash, BS, a convenient hoax for disturbed Marxoids.
Save the penguins from freezing, send the hot air blowing whackos to the south pole.
From Right Side News.
December 3, 2008
US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works BlogUN Data shows 'Warming has Stopped!' - Climate Fears Called 'Hogwash' - 'Global Carbon Tax' Urged Aussie Scientist Says 'No relationship between CO2 and temperature'
Read Part Two of this Report here:
Washington DC - The bad news for global warming alarmists just keeps rolling in. Below is a very small sampling of very inconvenient developments for Gore, the United Nations, and the mainstream media. Peer-reviewed studies, analyses, and prominent scientists continue to speak out to refute climate fears. The majority of data presented below is from just the past week.
Also see: U.S. Senate Minority Report: "Over 400 Prominent Scientists (and rapidly growing) Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007" & ‘Consensus' On Man-Made Global Warming Collapses in 2008 - July 18, 2008 & An August 2007 report detailed how proponents of man-made global warming fears enjoy a monumental funding advantage over skeptical scientists. LINK
UN Conference Greeted with UN Data Showing ‘Warming has Stopped!' - - December 2, 2008
Excerpt: 10,000 people from 86 countries have descended upon Poznan, Poland for yet-another United Nations meeting on climate change. This time, it's the annual confab of the nations that signed the original U.N. climate treaty in Rio in 1992. That instrument gave rise to the infamous 1996 Kyoto Protocol on global warming, easily the greatest failure in the history of environmental diplomacy. Kyoto was supposed to reduce global emissions of carbon dioxide below 1990 levels during the period 2008-2012. But since it was signed, the atmospheric concentration of this putative pollutant continued to rise, pretty much at the same rate it did before Kyoto. [...] Since Kyoto, a very funny thing has happened to global temperatures: IPCC data clearly show that warming has stopped-even though its computer models said such a thing could not happen. According to the IPCC, the world reached its high-temperature mark in 1998, thanks to a big "El Niño," which is a temporary warming of the tropical Pacific Ocean that occurs once or twice a decade. [...] Even if the earth resumes warming at the pre-1998 rate, we will have nearly a quarter-century without a significant warming trend.
‘Save the planet! Ban warming summits!'13,000 tons of CO2 released for UN Conference - Andrew Bolt Blog - December 02, 2008
Excerpt: No one is gassier than a global warming alarmist: Around 13,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be added to the Earth's greenhouse effect from the December 1-12 meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the UNFCCC said. That estimate is based on a turnout of 8,000 people, but as of Sunday 10,657 people had registered for the talks
TV meteorologists dismiss global warming fears as 'hogwash' - Cleveland Plain Dealer - December 2, 2008
Excerpt: "This cry that 'We're all going to die' is an overreaction and just not good science," said Andre Bernier, a meteorologist at WJW Channel 8. "I don't think I personally know any meteorologists -- here in Cleveland or anywhere else I've worked -- who agree with the hype over human-induced warming." [...] Prime-time doubters - But, there are doubters -- all AMS certified -- in prominent on-air positions at each of the four Cleveland television stations. Bernier and Dick Goddard -- the patriarch of Cleveland weather forecasters -- predict the weather at WJW Channel 8. Both cite natural fluctuations in the Earth's climate and dismiss the industrialization of the 20th century and the subsequent spike in atmospheric carbon dioxide as the cause for warming. Goddard compared the current anxiety over warming with the global cooling concerns of the 1970s, which have since dissipated. He and Bernier both point to solar cycles as the key ingredient in climate change. Bernier also said he believes the climate is no longer warming -- but, rather, cooling again. "I have a hunch that in 10 years we're all going to be longing for global warming because it will be so cold," Bernier said. [...]"Climate records also show that long before industrialization, the Vikings had settled in Greenland because it was warm enough," said Jon Loufman, who has taught meteorology courses at both Case Western Reserve University and Lakeland Community College. "I think the jury is still out on this."
When the warmest year in history isn't - Dissenting 'scientists keep coming out of the woodwork' - November 30, 2008
Excerpt: MIT Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Richard S. Lindzen recently wrote, "There has been no warming since 1997 and no statistically significant warming since 1995." Such findings rarely are reported, even though - as Marc Morano, communications director for the Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, told me - "Scientists keep coming out of the woodwork" to challenge the so-called consensus. "It's almost like a bandwagon effect."
International poll: 'Growing public reluctance' to support global warming efforts - November 27, 2008
Excerpt: Efforts to support global climate-change falls: There is both growing public reluctance to make personal sacrifices and a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the major international efforts now underway to battle climate change, according to findings of a poll of 12,000 citizens in 11 countries, including Canada.
Survey: 'You're much more likely to be skeptical about global warming the older you get' - Survey findings conducted by - November 26, 2008
Aussie scientist says 'audiences becoming more receptive' to skepticism - ‘There is no relationship between CO2 and temperature' - November 27, 2008
Excerpt: One of Australia's leading enviro-sceptics, the geologist and University of Adelaide professor Ian Plimer, 62, says he has noticed audiences becoming more receptive to his message that climate change has always occurred and there is nothing we can do to stop it. [...] His two-hour presentation included more than 50 charts and graphs, as well as almost 40 pages of references. It is the basis of his new book, Heaven And Earth: The Missing Science Of Global Warming, to be published early next year. Plimer said one of the charts, which plots atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature over 500 million years, with seemingly little correlation, demonstrates one of the "lessons from history" to which geologists are privy: "There is no relationship between CO2 and temperature."
MIT Scientist: CO2 fears 'a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving'- Popular Technology - November 20, 2008
Excerpt: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is Not Pollution - CO2 for different people has different attractions. After all, what is it? - it's not a pollutant, it's a product of every living creature's breathing, it's the product of all plant respiration, it is essential for plant life and photosynthesis, it's a product of all industrial burning, it's a product of driving - I mean, if you ever wanted a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving, this would be a dream. So it has a kind of fundamental attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality." - Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D. Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT.
European metal workers protest EU's climate policy - December 3, 2008
Excerpt: "We don't want to lose our job," one protester said, adding that the new regulations will possibly kill the steel industry in Europe. Several protesters held a coffin to indicate that the European steel industry will die when EU's climate change plan is implemented.
Climate Scientist "Solves" Global Warming! - ‘Move about 30 miles to the north' to offset predicted temps - By Dr. Ben Herman - December 2, 2008
Dr. Herman is the past director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and former Head of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona
Excerpt: "I have a solution for all those who fear the consequences of global warming. Tell them to move about 30 miles to the north and that will offset thee 1 to 1.5 deg F global warming that has taken place during the 20th century."
Chemical Scientist Dr. Brian Valentine - ‘Knock off 7 Miles' of Dr. Herman's "Solution" for Cooling since 2000 - December 2, 2008
By Chemical Scientist Dr. Brian G. Valentine, professor at University of Maryland, who has studied computational fluid dynamics and modeling of complex systems.
Excerpt: "You can knock about 7 miles off of that 30 miles North as a result of cooling that has occurred since the year 2000."
The objective of the Accord is to reduce the impact of observed increases in global temperatures using 1990 as the reference year for a target. If we take the average global temperature in 1990 as a "zero reference", the average temperature for 2002 can be seen to be about 0.35øC, and the average temperature for the last 12 months is back down to about 0.05øC. The best fit linear trend since 2002 is about 0.025øC/year of cooling, and at this rate we will have met the Kyoto target of 1990 temperature in just two years without having done anything! If the Kyoto target of 1990 global temperature will be met in just two years in spite of the continued increase in CO2 emissions, doesn't it seem a bit odd that the world leaders are willing to sacrifice the global economy to reduce CO2 emissions as though CO2 emissions reductions, and not global temperature stabilization, was the objective of the Kyoto Protocol?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The End Of The Hoax? UN Data Shows Global Warming has Stopped
Posted by
Rolf Krake
Thursday, December 04, 2008
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If you're a wacko crazy right wing nut ball, clap your hands...
If you're a radical ignorant creationist, clap your hands...
Amazing, an environ-mental whacko, one of the religious 'global warming' nutballs, an example when emotions, believe and irrationality shuns reason.
Typical behavior of a Marxoid's inability to react with reason and intelligence.
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