Friday, May 23, 2008

UN Inquiry To Faciliate Terrorism And To Combat Naziphobia In Support of Terror Regimes

The United Nations which is the most corrupt and inefficient organization on the planet are preparing their 2009 summit in Durban South Africa to curb the recently invented mental illness the so called 'islamophobia' on demand from the OIC which consist of the islamic countries which have exonerated themselves from the Universal Charter on Human Rights referring to the Cairo Charter of 1994 permitting slavery, appendix mutilation, physical punishment, gender-apartheid, lapidation, racism and other inhuman niceties throughout the 56 islamic countries.
Passing resolutions against the Jewish people which would have made Adolf Hitler and his Nazi ilk proud the UN is steadily following in the nazis footsteps achieving 'international' recognition of Jew hatred through the so called UN resolutions - Now the UN is spending vast resources in trying to faciliate the conditions for terrorism and murder of the innocent the next three weeks in the USA.

The United Nations - The Umbrella Organization Of Terrorists, Rapists, Slavers and Murderers:
"The UN never cared when Islamic missiles murdered Israeli women and children. Who cares?
"The UN never cared when Islamic terrorists murdered people in America, England, Spain, France or India. Who cares?
"The UN never cared when UN personel raped little girls in Africa. Who cares?
"The UN never cared when Islamic terrorists enslaved hundreds of thousands of children in Africa or anywhere else. Who cares?
The UN never cared about slavery, rape committed by the UN officers and personnel, or any form of corruption.

From: The National

United Nations // Arab-American advocates expect a UN investigation of racism in the United States to shine a spotlight on racial profiling and other policies that discriminate against people of Middle Eastern origin.

“Islamophobia” will be “high on the agenda” of the UN’s visiting human rights investigator, said Kareem Shora, national executive director of the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee (ADC).

Doudou Diene, a UN special envoy, began a three-week investigation on Monday. He will assess “racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” in the United States during meetings with officials, lawmakers and campaigners.

The Senegalese lawyer, who has served in the independent position since 2002, routinely visits countries to assess racism and will report his findings to the UN Human Rights Council next year.

Mr Shora said “post-Sept 11 communities” – Muslims, South Asians, Sikhs and Arabs – still bore the brunt of policies adopted following al Qa’eda’s attacks on New York and Washington almost seven years ago.

Mr Shora, whose colleagues will meet with the investigator next month, highlighted the “special registration” of Iranians, Iraqis, Libyans, Sudanese and Syrians entering the United States as one example of racial profiling that began after the Sept 11 attacks.

The Arab American Institute reported on “grave civil liberties concerns” following Washington’s terrorism-busting initiatives, such as the USA Patriot Act that made immigration procedures stricter for those coming from the Middle East.

Lena Alhusseini, executive director of New York’s Arab American Family Support Center, said hate crimes against her members had increased. “There is a complete misunderstanding and stereotyping and we have all been affected.”

A UN panel that examined the US record on racial discrimination in March urged the United States to halt so-called racial profiling of Americans of Arab and South Asian descent and to ensure immigrants and non-nationals are not mistreated.

The separate UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also issued a strongly worded critique of the US record on racial discrimination in March, urging the government to reform education, housing, immigration and policing policies that impacted racial minorities.

The issue went before the Federal National Council in Abu Dhabi this week, with Mohammed al Zaabi, a Sharjah representative, complaining Emiratis were being “mistreated” at US airports despite obtaining legal visas for entry.

Dr Diene, who will visit eight cities – Washington, New York, Chicago, Omaha, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Miami and San Juan in Puerto Rico – said in a report last year that Islamophobia had grown worldwide since the attacks on the United States.

The investigator’s visit comes at a time when race issues are topping the domestic agenda, with Barack Obama, the front-runner in the Democratic nomination battle, standing a chance of becoming the country’s first black president. While Mr Obama’s campaign has increased turnout among black voters, it has also alienated some white voters.

Dr Diene is also likely to investigate racial bias in the use of the death penalty in American courtrooms and the alleged inferior legal representation received by defendants from ethnic minorities.

Commentators argue the Human Rights Council has almost no clout when it comes to US domestic affairs and that the body is widely perceived by many Americans as interfering. The United States is not among the 47 member states of the Geneva-based forum, but has observer status.

Zalmay Khalilzad, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said: “We don’t think [the visit] is needed,” suggesting instead that investigators examine “real problems … in countries that are notorious for their violations of human rights”.

Mr Shora said it remained “very important to hold the US accountable for its commitments … whether or not the current president and the current administration is paying attention”.

Jamil Dakwar, director of the ACLU Human Rights Program, said: “The visit of the special rapporteur is a critical opportunity to shed light on the pervasive and systemic problem of racism and discrimination in the United States.

“In this election year, the eyes of the world will be turned toward America and its long-standing promise to end racial and ethnic inequalities.”

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