Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Churchill's prophecy is true of today's islamo-fascism

“In a very few years, perhaps in a very few months, we shall be confronted with demands with which we shall no doubt be invited to comply. Those demands may affect the surrender of territory or the surrender of liberty. I foresee and foretell that the policy of submission will carry with it restrictions upon the freedom of speech and debate in Parliament, on public platforms, and discussions in the press, for it will be said--indeed, I hear it said sometimes now - that we cannot allow the Nazi system of dictatorship to be criticized by ordinary, common English politicians. Then, with a press under control, in part direct but more potently indirect, with every organ of public opinion doped and chloroformed into acquiescence, we shall be conducted along further stages of our journey.” -- Sir Winston Churchill

This holds true of today's 'Political Correctness', our politicians and medias, our justice system and police - And in Churchill's own words "With every organ of public opinion doped and chloroformed into acquiescence, we shall be conducted along further stages of our journey.
Todays brownshirts are the so called 'progressive left' movements such as Antifa and AFA which are using political violence to stifle their opponents and against people holding different political views than their own - It was equally the left which introduced political violence in Germany since the Nazis in the 70's with Bader-Meinhof and Rote Armee Fraktion - International Socialism or National Socialism, there is hardly any difference in the oppressive totalitarian ideology - Today as with the Nazis they are in an unholy alliance with islamo-fascism.

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