Understanding the ideology of hamas and Palestinian Nationalism, moreover, it equally illustrates the mindset and the ideological motivation for those in support of Palestine and hamas, it goes even further - The picture of Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' is the 2003 issue distributed by the Palestinian Authorities.
Understand the mind of the hamas supporter and the leftist, or rather 'red-fascists' - The 21rst century's Nazis.
Extract from Pajamas Media.
–The Hamas founding covenant explicitly calls for the extermination of all Jews. Hitler never made total extermination an official plank of the the Nazi party platform. (see Holocaust scholar Omar Bartov’s article in the February 2, 2004 issue of The New Republic. He points to the extermiationist 7th article of the founding Hamas covenanat which cites the Hadith (saying of the prophet). Here is a translation of the Hadith in a deeply disturbing summary of Hamas’ exterminationist anti-semitism by the Brown University scholar Andrew Bostom:
“The Prophet, Allah’s prayer and peace be upon him, says: “The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,’ except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Number 6985)
In other words, Hamas is not committed merely to the political goal of expelling Jews from the land of Israel but to what they believe is a sacred religious goal of exterminating all Jews everywhere behind every tree in creation. (I’m not pinning any hopes on “the Gharqad tree”). I’d suggest those who deceive themselves into believing Hamas is just another Palestinian rights group, maybe a little on the extreme side, read the whole Bostom article. The exterminationist anti-semitism of Hamas is more excessive than Hitler’s.
So that’s one difference.
–Hitler made efforts to conceal the purpose of the death camps and distanced himself from them, avoided written as opposed to oral orders for the Final Solution. Not because he felt any shame about them, but because he felt knowledge of the death camps might be counter-productive to the Nazis political goals. Hamas makes no effort to conceal the fact that it wants to kill Jewish civilians, not just combatants, but women and children–all Jews (it’s in the charter, remember)—because Hamas feels this will make them more popular.
Read the full article at Pajamas Media.
It started way back in time, the muslim brotherhood, from which hamas is the brainchild, and founded by one of its most notorious members Sheik Akhmed Yassin, graduated at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo - Nazism is an ideology fully integrated with political islam - Below an extract from 'The Nazi roots of Palestinian Nationalism and islamic jihad', I highly recommend to read the whole thing, and recommend it to as many as possible:
For al-Banna, as for many other Muslims worldwide, the end of the caliphate, although brought about by secular Muslim Turks, was a sacrilege against Islam for which they blamed the non-Muslim West.
It was to strike back against these evils that al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. It began as a kind of youth club where the members preached, to anyone who would listen, about the need for moral reform in the Arab world. But al-Banna’s antipathy towards Western modernity soon moved him to shape the Brotherhood into an organization seeking to check the secularist tendencies in Muslim society by asserting a return to ancient and traditional Islamic
values. Al-Banna recruited followers from a vast cross-section of Egyptian society by addressing issues such as colonialism, public health, educational policy, natural resources management, social inequalities, Arab nationalism, the weakness of the Islamic world and the growing conflict in Palestine. Among the perspectives he drew on to address these issues were the anti-capitalist doctrines of European Marxism and especially fascism.
As the group expanded during the 1930’s and extended its activities well beyond its original religious revivalism, al-Banna began dreaming a greater Muslim dream: the restoration of the Caliphate.
And it was this dream, which he believed could only become a reality by the sword, that won the hearts and minds of a growing legion of followers. Al-Banna would describe, in inflammatory speeches, the horrors of hell expected for heretics, and consequently, the need for Muslims to return to their purest religious roots, re-establish the Caliphate, and resume the great and final holy war, or jihad, against the non-Muslim world.
The first big step on the path to the international jihad al-Banna envisioned came in the form of trans-national terrorism during “The Great Arab Revolt” of 1936-9, when one of the most famous of the Muslim Brotherhood’s leaders, the Hajj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti (Supreme Muslim religious leader) of Jerusalem, incited his followers to a three-year war against the Jews in Palestine and the British who administered the Mandate. In 1936 the Brotherhood had about 800 members, but by 1938, just two years into the “Revolt,” its membership had grown to almost 200,000, with fifty branches in Egypt alone. The organization established mosques, schools, sport clubs, factories and a welfare service network. By the end of the 1930’s there were more than a half million active members registered, in more than two thousand branches across the Arab world. In British Mandatory Palestine alone there were 38 branches under the leadership of the Hajj.
To achieve that broader dream of a global jihad, the Brotherhood developed a network of underground cells, stole weapons, trained fighters, formed secret assassination squads, founded sleeper cells of subversive supporters in the ranks of the army and police, and waited for the order to go public with terrorism, assassinations, and suicide missions.
It was during this time that the Muslim Brotherhood found a soul mate in Nazi Germany. The Reich offered great power connections to the movement, but the relationship brokered by the Brotherhood was more than a marriage of convenience. Long before the war, al-Banna had developed an Islamic religious ideology which previewed Hitler’s Nazism. Both movements sought world conquest and domination.
Both were triumphalist and supremacist: in Nazism the Aryan must rule, while in al-Banna’s Islam, the Muslim religion must hold dominion. Both advocated subordination of the individual to a folkish central power. Both were explicitly anti-nationalist in the sense that they believed in the liquidation of the nation-state in favor of a trans-national unifying community: in Islam the umma (community of all believers); and in Nazism the herrenvolk (master race). Both worshipped the unifying totalitarian figure of the Caliph or Führer.
And both rabidly hated the Jews and sought their destruction.
As the Brotherhood’s political and military alliance with Nazi Germany developed, these parallels facilitated practical interactions...
Monday, January 5, 2009
Comparing Hamas To Nazis Is An Insult To The Nazis, Hamas Is Far More Extreme
Posted by
Rolf Krake
Monday, January 05, 2009
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Bortcensureret fra Berlingske Tidende:
Det er soleklart at politikerne og medierne er fuldstændigt ude af trit med virkeligheden og fjernet fra befolkningen.
Hvis de tror at den danske befolkning er dumme og ikke forstår den reellle og virkelige sammenhæng, at folk de lader sig kue af den totalitære diktatur's redskab - Politisk Korrekthed - Som både Nazister, Stalinister, Kommunister og andre afskyelige ideologier afhænger af - Tager de grueligt fejl, den propaganda og manipulering der foregår i de efterhånden skamløse rødfascistiske medier, stupide eksperter der kun er eksperter i at artikulere idioti eller fremme deres rødfascistiske budskab og værner om terrorister og de ækleske forbrydere, bag falsk moral og 'pseudo-humanisme', politikere der falder plask på maven for ideologier der får Nazister til at ligne spejderdrenge.
Det kan kun gå galt med den slags værnemageri, folk de husker,,, folk er ikke dumme, gang på gang er det prøvet, danskere er ikke autoritets tro, tværtimod.
Vor tids Nazisme er der ingen tvivl om hvor kommer fra, rødfascister der øver politisk vold, hærværk, brand og bål som Nazisterne, den racistiske og utopiske multikulti idioti der bedømmer folk fra deres etnicitet og hudfarve, ikke individet eller intellektet afspejler kun den naive og virkeligheds fjerne kollektivistiske totalitære tankegang som historien gang på gang kan bekræfte ender med folkedrab, krig og elendighed, åh, fjolserne prøver igen med nye Orwelleske labels, de røde er kalder sig grønne, det globale samfund istedet for kommunistisk internationale osv.
Ligesom National Socialismen var ondskabsfuld har vi idag hvad vi kan kalde for Transnational socialismen der er endnu mere ondskabsfuld, fordi den fører krig mod Europæernes egne befolkninger.
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