More on leftist whackos and their totalitarian tendencies, we have seen the pattern before in recent history - from Wiki: Rallies at UCLA and other campuses in support of animal research are a welcome sign that scientists are beginning to stand up to the animal rights activists. But if the defenders of research are to win out, they must be more firm in opposing the vicious inversion of morality inherent in the notion of animal "rights," in the name of which terrorists have committed hundreds of violent crimes. They have vandalized or fire-bombed meat companies, fur stores, fast-food restaurants, leather shops and medical research laboratories across North America. The animal "rights" movement is not about the humane treatment of animals. Its goal is the animalistic treatment of human beings. According to these terrorists, it is immoral to eat meat, to wear fur coats or leather shoes, and to use animals in research - even if it would lead to cures for deadly diseases. The terrorists are unmoved by the indisputable fact that animal research saves human lives. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) makes this frighteningly clear: "Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it." How do the animal "rights" advocates try to justify their position? As someone who has debated them for years on college campuses and in the media, I know firsthand that the whole movement is typically based on a single - invalid - syllogism; namely, men feel pain and have rights; animals feel pain; therefore, animals have rights. This argument is entirely specious, because man's rights do not depend on his ability to feel pain; they depend on his ability to think. Rights are ethical principles applicable only to beings capable of reason and choice. There is only The choice to think can be negated only by the use of physical force. To survive and prosper, men must be free from the initiation of force by other men - free to use their own minds to guide their choices and actions. Rights protect men against the use of force by other men. None of this is relevant to animals. Animals do not survive by rational thought (nor by sign languages allegedly taught to them by psychologists). They survive through inborn reflexes and sensory-perceptual association. They cannot reason. They cannot learn a code of ethics. A lion is not immoral for eating a zebra (or even for attacking a man). Predation is their natural and only means of survival; they do not have the capacity to learn any other. Only man has the power to deal with other members of his own species by voluntary means: The granting of fictional rights to animals is not an innocent error. We do not have to speculate about the motive, because the animal "rights" advocates have revealed it quite openly. The animal "rights" terrorists are like the Unabomber or the World Trade Center terrorists or Oklahoma City bombers. They are not idealists seeking justice, but nihilists seeking destruction for the sake of destruction. They do not want to uplift mankind, to help him progress from the swamp to the stars. They want mankind's destruction; they want him not just to stay in the swamp but to disappear into its muck. There is only one proper answer to such people: to declare proudly and defiantly, in the name of morality, a man's right to his life, his liberty, and the pursuit of his own happiness.
There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany and the Nazis took several measures to ensure protection of animals. Many Nazi leaders including Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring were supporters of animal protection. Several Nazis were environmentalists, and species protection and animal welfare were significant issues in the Nazi regime. Heinrich Himmler made efforts to ban the hunting of animals. Göring was an animal lover and conservationist. The current animal welfare laws in Germany are more or less modification of the laws introduced by the Nazis.
The animal activists seems to have got their inspirations from the Nazi legacy on animal rights (source:
A Reich Animal Protection Law which includes a ban on vivisection is imminent and just now comes the news, elating all friends of animals, that the greatest German state, Prussia, has outlawed vivisection with no exceptions!
The National Socialist German Workers' Party { NSDAP } press release states: "The Prussian minister-president Goering has released a statement stating that starting 16 August 1933 vivisection of animals of all kinds is forbidden in Prussia. He has requested that the concerned ministries draft a law after which vivisection will be punished with a high penalty *). Until the law goes into effect, persons who, despite this prohibition, order, participate or perform vivisections on animals of any kind will be deported to concentration camps."
Todays left is carrying on the legacy from the Nazis.
By Edwin A locke - Daily News LA one fundamental right: a man's right to his own life. To live successfully, man must use his rational faculty - which is exercised by choice.
rational persuasion and a code of morality rather than physical force. To claim that man's use of animals is immoral is to claim that we have no right to our own lives and that we must sacrifice our welfare for the sake of creatures who cannot think or grasp the concept of morality.
Edwin A. Locke, a professor emeritus of management at the University of Maryland at College Park, is a guest writer for the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Animal-rights terrorists take away our right to life and liberty
Posted by
Rolf Krake
Monday, May 04, 2009
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It is constantly amazing, stunning how you animal haters will use this same old crap trying to justify the legal torture of animals in the hell holes of research laboratories - profitable legalized animal cruelty at its worst!! I happened upon your absurd posting, and know better - but what the heck. Congratulations you are a full member of the blind, follow the current leader or fad, use animals as objects for your benefit MASSES. Can you think for yourself? Or is Yourself a species lacking simple compassion for those who cannot speak or choose?
It is constantly amazing, stunning how you animal haters will use this same old crap trying to justify the legal torture of animals in the hell holes of research laboratories - profitable legalized animal cruelty at its worst!! I happened upon your absurd posting, and know better - but what the heck. Congratulations you are a full member of the blind, follow the current leader or fad, use animals as objects for your benefit MASSES. Can you think for yourself? Or is Yourself a species lacking simple compassion for those who cannot speak or choose?
Haha, animal haters, who spoke about hating animals, clearly 'anonymous missed the point' but then again animal lovers can go blind, and what we see these days Lefties/Liberals are suffering heavily from 'bird-brain flu'.
Here are some extracts from the link provided in the post, it is all about love, feelings, and we know what happen when man loses his faculty for rational thought, and we ask ourselves, how come people became Nazis, well, take a look at the average Left loonie/Liberal, they even share the hatred for the Jews like the Nazis, they just call it Anti-Zionism and wish to eradicate the Jewish state which was created as a result of the holocaust:
The friend of animals knows to what inexpressible extent the mutual understanding between man and animal and feelings of togetherness can be developed, and there are many friends of animals in Germany, and also many who cannot accept animal torture out of simple humanitarian reasons. In general however, we still find ourselves in a desert of unfeeling and brutality as well as sadism. There is much to be done and we would first like to address vivisection, for which the words "cultural shame" do not even come close; in fact it must be viewed as a criminal activity.
"The preoccupation with animal protection in Nazi Germany was evident in other social institutions and continued almost until the end of World War II. In 1934, the new government hosted an international conference on animal protection in Berlin. Over the speaker's podium, surrounded by enormous swastikas, were the words "Entire epochs of love will be needed to repay animals for their value and service". In 1936 the German Society for Animal Psychology was founded, and in 1938 animal protection was accepted as a subject to be studied in German public schools and universities."
Many individuals in Nazi Germany genuinely believed in the "rights" of non-human animals, yet they simultaneously were capable of cruel behavior against members of the Jewish faith. Not only that, but they went as far as using animal protection as a justification for their inhumanity to the Jewish people, as explained by Arluke and Sax.
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